Ho my G...
Time to do a little update
After all, I was asked for an interview on Slate.fr So I welcome you the visitor who have incidentaly click on the link to here :D
.So It would be nice to refresh my little blog there
But first one things i have to announce to! I have completely forget to tell here that I appear on a emag Hotgirls magasine
It is a great honour to be the covermag and to have my centerfold interview too.
Thanks a lot to T-vyrus our devoted editors!
Yes I know I have to write some word for the last Party in amsterdam, Paris, Bruxelles, Montreals, and so on... So up to now i will try to write a bit everyday
But not tonight...
Time to do a little update
After all, I was asked for an interview on Slate.fr So I welcome you the visitor who have incidentaly click on the link to here :D
.So It would be nice to refresh my little blog there
But first one things i have to announce to! I have completely forget to tell here that I appear on a emag Hotgirls magasine
It is a great honour to be the covermag and to have my centerfold interview too.
Thanks a lot to T-vyrus our devoted editors!
Yes I know I have to write some word for the last Party in amsterdam, Paris, Bruxelles, Montreals, and so on... So up to now i will try to write a bit everyday
But not tonight...
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