dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Week Demonia, croisiere elastique : Still a pony...

This time i ve decided to horsing around... :) I will write about this saturday night 11th december on the River king Boat first, as I am still waiting pics of my Demonia night...(It would be a boring entry without even a pic...)
As I said this time i decided to try my ponygirl outfit to go party. I was going to this party without expecting something to just meet friend and some on-line acquaintance to meet in real.
So arrive at the party at midnight and as usual there is not a proper place to change... Just a 6m² floor, with a redlight to light it...

Well some disconfort but i will going to forget it as fast I changed completely into my pony. I was a bit anxious to see the reaction of the people, has it first time i do wear this suit in party
 And I really get surprised how well this suit was well received! i get lot of attention (well I am 1m82 and wearing paltform boots did help also )

This pony give a lot of back ride and posing with the girls for the picture
That was really a great evening as I met a lot of people, and also get an invitation for a horse race :)
I have now the lovely pics done by Michael De, thanks a lot

I hope to get the other pics of all the girls have been posing for :)
Please don't be shy !

Next post will be about the Demonia Night, stay tunned :)

3 commentaires:

  1. hey!!
    I remembered you during "Croisiere Elastique"...I was in purple velvet Zentai...Great pics and amazing horse costume!!!
    from http://lycrazentai.blogspot.com

  2. Merci beaucoup Erwan, je me souviens egalement de t'avoir apercu a cette soirée !
